Saturday, February 3, 2007

I wish I had more good news

Let me start by saying it is hard to update when there is not allot of good news to share. I want to keep this blog hopeful which is hard to do right now. Tim continues to sleep more each day and continues to grow weaker. Anyone who knows Tim knows his strongest personality trait is his sense of humor. It is what attracted me to him in 1982 and what has kept me laughing all through the years. So the good news I can share is he still has his sense of humor. Yesterday morning Tim looked restless to me like he may have been in pain. I was crying ( I seem to be doing this allot now days) As I asked him if he needed pain medicine. He opened his eyes and looked at me and said you look like you are in pain. I said my pain is heartbreak and there is nothing we can do about this. He said there is enough pain medicine here take 2 and it will probably go away. It gave me a chuckle that he still has the energy to joke.
The other good news I can share is Tim was awake enough today to enjoy the pictures from the Timmy tourney. Thank you , Thank you, Thank you to Karen coffman for putting that photo album together.You will never know how much we appreciate it. The pictures are wonderful and the hand written notes even better. My favorite picture is the one on the front page I have hundreds of pictures of Tim I have taken over the years but none of him at work which is a huge part of who he is . I will treasure this. Also a big thanks to Patty Breedlove and Larry Carter for the picture Cd's. As a scrapbook fanatic You can never have too many pictures. I know this tournament was such a success due to many people's efforts not just a few so I thank all of you. Kathy


Anonymous said...

Kathy you are truly an amazing person, wife and mother to hold things together like you have in the situation that has been dealt to you!! I want you to know that the tourney was a success in many ways, it was so good to see your parents, Timmys dad, brother Jim and sister Shelley and her family there and to have them bask in all good that the milldogs feel for Timmy and his family to hear them talk about Tim, for example to hear Damon and John talk about working with and around Tim for the last 20yrs they all consider eachother their extended family!! like he is their brother...Our thoughts and prayers go to you guys daily stay as strong as can be and enjoy the good moments that you get-your a beautiful person Kathy I admire you tremendously:)and we Love you Timmy and the girls!! The Bell Family

Anonymous said...

Dear Kathy,
I wish I could do or say something to ease your heartbreak. You are fortunate enough to have had 21 years with this special man, but I know that isn't the comfort you need right now. I hope you can find comfort in God's word. I found this today when I was reading the bible " Do not be terrified;do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go" Joshua 1;9
I love you very much and I wish I could be there to go through this with you, but you have a wonderful family, as well as Tim's family to lean on but if you every need a big hug from me, know that I am hugging you close to my heart everyday. Love Doris

Anonymous said...

Hi Tim, it's Aunt Sue, you don't feel good today do you? I know, my love, it hurts me to know that. I understand your mom spent the night with you and maybe your dad, I wasn't clear about that, but I do know that you are surrounded by love. Tim, you are in my thoughts and if I could wish or pray away your hurt I would do so, and would have done so by now, but I cannot. I can only tell you that I will be here for you and your wife and your girls, for anything they need, so don't worry, my brave hero, and for your mom and dad, always, for the rest of my time. So you just worry about keeping that smile for your 3 beauties, and know that I will never let you or your mom and dad, or your sister and brother or your wife and sweet girls down. If you want anything at all Timmy, tell Kathy so she can email me and you got it. Trust that Timmy. I know you are tired and don't feel good, but I love you and wanted to take some of this precious time to tell you that. I LOVE YOU TIM, with all of my heart. Tell your friends how proud I am of them and that I would love to meet each and every one some day. Get some rest now my sweet nephew, I love you, Aunt Sue

Anonymous said...


I think even the sky is crying for you all today.

Cinnamon Kern

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Kathy, Katie & Jessie,
Ours thoughts are with you now more than ever, stay strong!!

All the rough and tough "Milldogs" have tears in their eyes today!!!